Syntax in Half of a Yellow Sun

Syntax in Half of a Yellow Sun

"Okon had looked at Susan with gratitude, as if she had just saves him from a mad white man, and later, Susan's tone was mild when she said she understood that Richard didn't know how things were done. One couldn't cross certain lines" (Adichie, 84).  

Why is this sentence significant? 

This sentence is significant for various reasons; but mostly because this sentence shows an interesting aspect in Richards and Susan's relationship. It almost seems as if Susan takes on more of a motherly role in her relationship with Richard, reprimanding him and talking to him as if he was a child when he does things wrong.  For example, "Susan's tone was mild when she said she understood that Richard didn't know how things were done" (Adichie, 84) here Adichie is telling us how Susan treats Richard as a child, using a "mild" tone which is not severe or harsh yet it is gentle, and usually used in children. Later when Susan says "One couldn't cross certain lines" (Adichie, 84) Adichie is showing us how Susan schools Richard as if he was a child. 

How does its syntax relate to its meaning?

Because it shows central of a them language is in the novel. The sentence is from a fragment in Richards story where he asks Okon, Susan's houseboy, to teach him words and phrases in Efik. This whole situation made Okon awkward and later on when Susan intervened between both of them Susan explained Richard that this wasn't normal or acceptable. This sentence shows how English is depicted as the superior language in the novel. For example, this passage from the novel depicts how because Richard is white and he is held up the the standard of speaking traditional, British english by Nigerians; hence, when he speaks Igbo, Nigerians get angry because since they hold english to such high regards that they get almost offended when Richard speaks Igbo because he is in a way neglecting the english Nigerians like so much?



  1. I agree with your analysis about the significance of the sentence, but I would also like to add some statments about the author's choice regarding sentence structure. The first sentence is long and it is separated by a series of commas to add pauses and explenations to the events described. The second sentence, however, is very short and straightforward. It emphasizes how Susan must treat Richard becuase a scolding or a harsh tone would not have the same effect as talking to him in a mild way. Therefore, Susan must maintain the stability of her relationship through the tone she uses when explaining customs to Richard.


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